
Rustem HAQQINDA burada oxuya bilersiniz

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01 - Azandan bir parcha05 - Shushter09 - Mirze Huseyn Segahi13 - Mensuriyye17 - Humayun
02 - Shur simfonik mugamindan bir parcha06 - Zabul segah14 - Ushaq17 - Bayati-Shiraz18 - Muxalif
03 - Neva07 - Yetim segah11 - Keremi15 - Zil Bayati Shiraz19 - Hisar
04 - Shahnaz08 - Kesme shikeste12 - Chahargah16 - Mani20 - Caz mugam



A muqam is the melody type used in Uyghur music, that is, a musical mode and set of melodic formulas used to guide improvisation and composition. The muqam system developed among the Uyghur in southwest China and Central Asia over approximately the last 1500 years from the Arabic maqamat modal system that has led to many musical genres among peoples of Eurasia and North Africa. Uyghurs have local muqam systems named after the oasis towns of Xinjiang (Eastern Turkestan), such as Dolan, Ili, Kumul and Turfan. The most fully developed at this point is the Western Tarim region's 12 muqams, which are now a large canon of music and songs recorded from the traditional performers Turdi Akhun and Omar Akhun among others in the 1950s and edited into a more systematic system. Although the folk performers probably improvised their songs as in Turkish taksim performances, the present institutional canon is performed as fixed compositions by ensembles.

Each of the 12 muqams (named "Rak", "Cabbiyat", "Segah", "Cahargah", "Panjigah", "Ozhal", "Ajam", "Ussaq", "Bayat", "Nava", "Musavrak", and "Iraq"), consists of a main section that begins with a long free rhythm introduction, followed by pieces with characteristic rhythmic patterns that gradually increase in speed. These pieces are arranged in the same sequence in each muqam, although not all muqams have the same pieces. These parts are known as "taza, nuskha, small saliqa, jula, sanam, large saliqa, pashru", and "takit". Some have an associated instrumental piece known as a "marghul" ("decoration") following it. Although each named piece has its characteristic rhythmic pattern, the melodies differ, so each piece is generally known by the muqam and the piece: for example, "the Rak nuskha" or "the Segah jula".

After the main section, there are two other sections, originally associated with other musical traditions, but included in muqams by performers such as Turdi Akhun and therefore included in the present 12 muqam tradition. The "Dastan" [] section includes songs from several of the romantic dastan narratives found widely in Central and South Asia and the Middle East. Each dastan song is followed by an instrumental marghul. The "Mashrap" section consists of more lively dance songs that were originally connected with the performances of sama by dervish musicians of Turkistan.


Mohlet Muslumov

Mohlet Muslumov M.Muslumov U.Hacibeyli adina Azerabycan Dovlet Konservatoriyasinin Xalq Calgi Aletleri sobesini tar ixtisasi uzre bitirmisdir. 1975-ci ilden S.Rustemov adina Xalq Calgi Aletleri orkestrinde solist, 1988-ci ilden M.Maqomayev adina Azerbaycan Dovlet Filarmoniyasinda C.Qaryagdioglu adina mugam ucluyunun solisti, 1988-ci ilden Azerbaycan Dovlet Konservatoriyasinda muellim, bas muellim vezifelerinde islemisdir. Hal-hazirda Azerbaycan Milli Konservatoriyasinin mugam kafedrasinin dosentidir. Azerbaycan Dovlet Televiziya ve Radio Qapali Sehmdar Cemiyyetinin E.Bakixanov adina Xalq Calgi Aletleri ansamblinin bedii rehbiridir. M.Muslumov Azerbaycan musiqisini uzun iller boyu boyuk meharet ve ustaliqla dunyada tamsil edir. Onun muxtelif beynelxalq festivallarda, musabiqelerde cixislari boyuk muveffeqiyyetle qarsilanir. M.Muslumov Turkiye, Rusiya, Fransa, ABS, Kanada, Ingiltere, Italiya, Sotlandiya, Belcika, Macaristan, Tayland, Israil, Hindistan, Tunis, Merakes, Polsa, Ruminiya, kecmis SSRI-nin butun respublikalarinda, sheherlerinde Azerbaycan musiqisinin parlaq ifacisi kimi alqislanmisdir. Xarici olkelerde 20-den artiq kompakt diski buraxilmisdir. Milli radio ve xarici olke radiolarinin fondlarinda lent yazilari bu gunedek saxlanilir.

M.Muslumov 2000-ci ilde emekdar Artist, 2005-ci Xalq Artisti fexri adlarina layiq gorulmus, 2006-ci ilden Prezident mukafatcisidir.


Azerbaycan Respublikasi Ehmed Bakixanov adna Xalq Calgi Aletleri Ansanbilinin bediyi rehberi xalq artisti Mohlet Muslimov ve Azerbaycan xalqinin canli efsanesi xalq artisti Habil Eliyev.

Mohlet habille birlikde

o hele cox oyrenmelidir

Rustem bu gu gencdir o hele cox oyrenmelidir. Men evveller onun musiqici olmasina etiraz etsemde, sonralar onun mugama ve xalq musiqisine bele boyuk boyuk hevesini gorende bu ishi onun oz uzerini buraxdim. Bu gun Rustem menim yolumu gedir bu menim ucun cox sevindirici bir haldir. Cox boyuk senetkarlar bu gun Rusteme xeyir-dua verirler. Mende isterdimki o bir yaxsi senetci kimi yetishsin ve xalq musiqisini milli mugamlarimizi xalqimiza duzgun formada catdirsin. Bunun ucun ona yalniz ve yalniz oz uzerinde coxlu ishemek lazimdir. Bu gun dovletimiz terefinden biz musiqicilere her bir sherait yaradilmishdir. Bunun da neticeside bu gun mugama xalq musiqisine gencler boyuk heves gosterirler. Rustemde bu genclerden biridir. Oda dovletimizin bu qaygisindan behrelenir ve dahada hevesle calishir. Men bu gun butun genclerimize o cumleden Rustemede oz senet ishlerinde ugurlar arzulayiram.


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Baku,Baladjari,Azerbaijan |

Tel: +994 [055] 662-30-24; Emin Isgenderov

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